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Bus to Mersing

Looking to go to Mersing Harbour Centre by bus? Several bus companies go from Singapore direct to Mersing in about 3.5 hours. You can buy your bus tickets by visiting one of the bus company offices, or by booking online using below direct bus ticket booking form.
NOTE: As most buses go to Mersing just once per day, we recommend securing your bus tickets before your bus is fully booked.
Peak season is !

Enjoy up to 20% discount when you book online

You can use above bus booking form for bus trips through Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand
Use Google Maps of Malaysia to select your bus stops.

Other popular bus routes.
Click to secure your bus tickets online.
Singapore - Kuala LumpurS$ 18.80++
S'pore - Malacca S$ 18.00++
S'pore - Genting Highlands S$ 39.50++
KL - S'pore RM 43.00++
KL - Penang RM 31.00++
KL - Cameron Highlands     RM 33.00++
Malacca - S'pore S$ 16.80++
LCCT to Ipoh RM 42.00++
Hatyai - KL RM 50.00++

Please note, all bus ticket rates are subject to change.

